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Of Scottish things #2
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- Category: Scottish
- Hits: 3711
More Scottish Interests
Thes items were originally published on the WAGS Blog between November 2012 and February 2014.
Great War Pension Cards
The Western Front Association (WFA) is delighted to announce that it has secured the safe storage of a major archive of over six million Great War soldiers' pension record cards.The key aspect of the records is that, uniquely, they unite genealogical information with military information.
Of Scottish things #1
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- Category: Scottish
- Hits: 3325
Scottish Interests 
These items were originally published between August 2012 and Feb 2013.
Some of the items are a bit dated but the links and content is still relevant to Scottish research.
But what about "The Mount Alexander Mail"?
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- Category: Julie Martin
- Hits: 5313
Australian Newspaper digitization 
Last week in one of the WAGS Forums, I posted details of several new Victorian newspaper titles which had been added to Trove.
The response from one of our members was but what about "The Mount Alexander Mail"!
What about it indeed...
There would be few among you who haven't heard of Trove, an initiative of the National Library of Australia and most would use it to access digitized Australian newspapers.
Swan River Colony Arrivals
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- Category: News Items
- Hits: 4220
Passenger Arrivals and Departures for Swan River Colony 1826-1838 
This article was first published in August 2012.
This significant set of Western Australian historical data, produced by Graham Bown on behalf of the Swan River Pioneers 1829-1838, (a Special Interest Group of the Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc.), is available to WAGS members via the WAGS website as from 23 August 2012.
Ficheing in the dark ages
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- Category: News Items
- Hits: 3216
GRO Microfiche 
This item was first published in August 2012.
When I first joined WAGS back in the last century, like many of you, I lined up at the large desk in Unit 6 waiting my turn to receive the four GRO microfiche I'd requested.
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- Category: Genealogy Curmudgeon
- Hits: 3241
On being a Grump
As one who was born at a certain time in the mid 1900's, within what is commonly known as the 'Baby Boomer' generation, and having now attained a certain age, it is incumbent upon one to comply with the expectations of society and maintain the correct tradition, i.e. become a Grump.
This can be somewhat of a burden, as it is not all that easy to comply with this expectations on all occasions, but one does what one can and there are certain benefits (to be explained in future articles).