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The Genealogy Curmudgeon
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- Category: Genealogy Curmudgeon
- Hits: 2671
Or maybe the Grumpy Genealogist 
The articles in this section of the WAGS Blog are for genealogy and family history grumps and curmudgeons!
If you have a curmudgeon or perhaps a grumpy bent - you might be welcome - depending on the weather.
So why the Genealogy Curmudgeon and not the Grumpy Genealogist?
You may well ask, and over time an explantion of sorts will eventuate, but for now you will just have to deal with not knowing.
What's your story?
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- Category: Opinion
- Hits: 3693
There was standing room only at the recent State Memorial Service for Professor Geoffrey Bolton AO.
His family, friends and colleagues, as well as representatives of our state spoke eloquently of the man and his pivotal role in telling the story of Western Australia and its place in the wider narrative of our country.
Throwing down the gauntlet
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- Category: Opinion
- Hits: 3999
OK – I’m grumpy…. the West Coast Eagles couldn’t quite get over the line at today’s AFL Grand Final, nevertheless, they came second – and that’s still a win of sorts in my eyes.
There are sixteen other teams that would have given anything to be a contender in today’s final, even if I suspect, it meant coming second. The Eagles were at least in there with a chance.
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- Category: Welcome
- Hits: 4577
Welcome to WAGS new Blog site.
We are currently rebuilding this site, so please bear with us while we undertake this task.
We will include some new articles as we reconstruct the old after an internet cellar dweller used their nefarious skills to ensure the old WAGS blog was taken down.
WAGS Webmaster
DNA - A Journey continued...
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- Category: Mike Murray
- Hits: 2674
Article by Guest Blogger, Mike Murray - WAGS London & South East England Group Joint Convenor and DNA enthusiast.
What's happend so far in Mike's DNA journey... 
Well over a year ago (in Feb 2014) I posted a piece about the anticipated DNA test journey that I was about to embark upon.
Since then there have been queries about progress. I gave an update to the Computer Group last month but maybe a summary for a wider audience is in order. But I need to change a few names to protect the innocent bystanders!
And the story is still unfolding.
DNA - a journey of discovery?
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- Category: Mike Murray
- Hits: 3121
Article by Guest Blogger, Mike Murray - WAGS London & South East England Group Joint Convenor and DNA enthusiast.
What's this about? 
Join me on a personal journey of discovery.
I've just ordered a DNA testing kit for both Lesley and me, so we're now waiting for the package to arrive so that we can join the many thousands chasing their ancestry using DNA. Over the next little while I'll post the occasional blog reporting progress and what I learn from this process.