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Paddington Lane Walk Through
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- Category: Bits & Bytes
- Hits: 3228
The Open Road - London 1924
If you enjoyed the Pudding Lane fly through animation, you will no doubt be interested in this colour film of London between the Wars, including a Paddington Lane walk through.
17th Century London - Pudding Lane Fly Through
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- Category: Bits & Bytes
- Hits: 3056
Prize winning animation 
A group of 6 Game Art Design students from De Montfort University in Leicester have won accolades for their recreation of the streets that went up in flames during the Great Fire of London.
Using detailed maps of London in the 1600's, and visiting museums and different architecture from the era, their recreation of Pudding Lane area of London is really something to behold.
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- Category: General
- Hits: 6198
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You have been told...
Traitors or Heroes?
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- Category: Diane Oldman
- Hits: 8740
Assassination Attempt on Prince Alfred
This article by Guest Blogger Diane Oldman was first published here on 19 Sept 2013.
In March 1868, a mentally disturbed Irish-born Australian shot and wounded Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, at a picnic on Sydney harbour. The would-be assassin, Henry James O'Farrell, falsely claimed to be a Fenian and his shots resounded around Australia as a torrent of violent and irrational anti-Irish hatred spread through a colony already tense and nervous about reports of terrorism in England. O'Farrell was convicted and sentenced to death.
Prince Alfred himself tried unsuccessfully to intercede and save his would-be killer's life.
Tweede Distributie Stamkaart - de Ruiter
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- Category: Mystery
- Hits: 3288
Mystery of the Cards 
I'm looking to return six Tweede Distributie Stamkaart issued to individuals with the surname de Ruiter who resided in Delft in the last century.
The surname may now have been Anglicized to de Ruyter
Who are they??
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- Category: Julie Martin
- Hits: 2499
Your help is needed 
Can anyone identify any of the men featured in a photo from my grandparents' collection?
The man in the centre of the photo appears to be the focus of the group. He's the only one seated and has a certificate or document in his hand and the hand of an official looking man on his shoulder.
My grandfather, William Hassell is squatting in the front row, far right.